A Fluoride Treatment Can Help with Cavity Prevention

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A truly effective oral hygiene routine relies on consistently brushing your teeth each morning and night, as well as remembering to thoroughly floss between your teeth and along the gumline at least once each day. This will help to remove bacterial matter and food particles from your mouth before they can contribute to problems with gum disease and tooth decay.

It’s equally important to have a routine dental checkup performed by a professionally trained dentist like Dr. Jack Smalley twice each year. If they and their team detect an area of concern, they will work quickly to assess the severity of the problem and develop an effective treatment plan.

In some cases, this might include administering a preventative treatment to reverse a problem before it can worsen. Receiving a basic fluoride treatment at the end of your dental checkup can help to strengthen your tooth enamel to prevent minor areas of demineralization from developing into active tooth decay.

You should try to avoid eating or drinking for up to half an hour after the treatment to allow the fluoride to deeply penetrate the microscopic pores of your tooth enamel.

If you are in the Farmington, New Mexico, region and you have any concerns about the health of your mouth or the strength of your teeth, you should call 505-327-3331 to schedule a dental checkup at Jack O. Smalley, DDS.